Let's Talk - Conversation Club
    Thursday, 05 May 2022,  4:30 -  5:30
    Hits : 2855
    Whether you need to practice for a language exam, want to boost your skills for a job interview, or just love chatting in English, the Conversation Club is the ideal program for you.
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    The May 5 Club will be a little different than usual. The American Corner will host members of the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs Team. The United States Army employs military personnel to engage with locals to help them familiarize with military presence in a host country and to further discuss the importance of security alliances such as NATO. The Civil Affairs Team will talk about their duties and discuss the history and milestones of NATO. Join us and ask your questions!
    See you in the American Corner!


    Akár nyelvvizsgára készül, akár egy állásinterjúhoz kell csiszolni a nyelvi készségeit, vagy csak szeret angolul beszélgetni, a Conversation Club ideális program Önnek.

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    Találkozunk az American Cornerben!

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